Thursday, April 30, 2009

"I'm not a homophobe, but they're just not as good as us."

The title of this post was taken word for word from a conversation i had at school today. It was during advisement and lunch. A so-called "Christian" boy went on a tangent about how evil homosexuality is, and how much of an abomination it is. Obviously, I argued with him.
You see, I don't think that being gay or lesbian is a choice. I think that people are attracted to people, and there's nothing you can do about it. And if these people were made that way, and they were (presumably) made by God, then why is it evil? Another belief that I have is that everyone should respect everyone's opinion, unless they're trying to force it on everyone else. Well, that isn't shared by everyone, I guess, because I witnessed five people who i thought were my friends mock me for what I think.
Was I mocking them? Did I provoke them? No. All I did was defend my beliefs and suddenly, I'm the enemy. Umm, alrighty then.
When I accused Jesus boy of being homophobic, he denied it: "Oh, I'm not homophobic, but they're just not as good as us." 'them' being homosexuals, and 'us' being the ever-superior straight people. Because, who doesn't know that a certain kind of love is any different or better than that between a man and a woman?
I'm getting sick of the whole 'Christian' thing. Gandhi once said something along the lines of: "I love your Jesus. He was a good man. But I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Jesus." not an exact quote -- can't remember it all, but I think it gets the message across well enough. Jesus loved everyone. As far as i know, he never called himself or any other Christian better than someone else. Of course, my knowledge of the Bible is not extensive; I used to be a really intense Christian, follow the Lord and all, but then I started listening to the church. I stopped agreeing blindly with everything i heard. I do not think that being gay is evil. The love between any and all two people is always holy, in my book, which is pretty different from the bible. I would take you through all of my beliefs, but i think that that'll take another blog.
I guess what you can take away from this is that i found out who five of my friends aren't, and a few other of my thoughts. I know, I know, you're just blown away, aren't you?

yes, I support the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, and transgendered people.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pissed Off.

When I woke up today, I'll bet Satan himself was terrified of me. Seriously, I was in the worst mood in my life.
Things haven't improved much.
Why am i so fucking pissed? ...I have absolutely no idea. No, it's not 'that time of month'. Don't bring it up. It has nothing to do with it.
All day, it's just been awful. In first period (which is at seven in the morning, thank you very much), i was late, then we had to work with partners. I hated everyone in my class before today, and now i have to actually communicate and work with them. Fabulous. Second period, both of my best friends weren't there, one for school-related reasons, the other because he's lazy as shit and just didn't want to come. Third was math. Enough said. Fourth, I walked in circles for an hour, listening to my friends bitch about their dumb boyfriends. Well, if he's such a douchebag, then break up with him!! But neither one will, because they're "in love". Of course. Remind me of that next time you see him sucking face with another girl at a football game. Gym class? Gimme a break! It's where everyone just just tells everyone about their 'personal' lives. next was lunch, and i hated the people i sit with at lunch today because they were happy and i wasn't. then came biology, where i got to examine a fungus. Fan-fucking-tastic. Finally, geography, where i get to listen to the group of dumbass bimbo cheerleaders next to me talk aobut how ugly Jessica looked today or how hot Davis was last night or what a dick Alex is being. Now, in an hour, i get to go to water polo practice, which i wrote about in my previous post.
Shoot me now.
I promise i'm not always this bitchy. This computer is simply the only person that i can scream at right now. Please, for the love of God, something good happen.

Isn't it wonderful how considerate guys can be?

I'm on my high school water polo team. Since it's not varsity, it's a co-ed team. The other girls and I have a great time in practice with our male teammates.
It's just wonderful how they respect our needs as women. Obviously, our double-X chromosome impedes us every hour of every day, making it nearly impossible to catch a ball. To make us feel better about ourselves, they kindly avoid throwing us the ball at any given point in practice or in a game. How sweet! Of course we don't need the practice or anything. We didn't join this team to actually, oh, I don't know, play a sport or something silly like that! It would damage our precious femininity. Our delicate bodies cannot possibly handle such a tough sport! We need those big, masculine boys to do it all for us!
Oh, and all the cute little comments about our curvy bodies that they make during practice are VERY flattering. It makes us feel so much better about ourselves when we're in the middle of the game and you make a little joke about our anatomy. Really, it's a HUGE turn-on. Next time I'm in a game, I'll make sure to return the favor and compliment them on how adorable their balls are.
Oh, us girls! We just love our boys! It's great how here, in this day and age, we can be respected as the people we are and treated as equals in every place we go.