Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pissed Off.

When I woke up today, I'll bet Satan himself was terrified of me. Seriously, I was in the worst mood in my life.
Things haven't improved much.
Why am i so fucking pissed? ...I have absolutely no idea. No, it's not 'that time of month'. Don't bring it up. It has nothing to do with it.
All day, it's just been awful. In first period (which is at seven in the morning, thank you very much), i was late, then we had to work with partners. I hated everyone in my class before today, and now i have to actually communicate and work with them. Fabulous. Second period, both of my best friends weren't there, one for school-related reasons, the other because he's lazy as shit and just didn't want to come. Third was math. Enough said. Fourth, I walked in circles for an hour, listening to my friends bitch about their dumb boyfriends. Well, if he's such a douchebag, then break up with him!! But neither one will, because they're "in love". Of course. Remind me of that next time you see him sucking face with another girl at a football game. Gym class? Gimme a break! It's where everyone just just tells everyone about their 'personal' lives. next was lunch, and i hated the people i sit with at lunch today because they were happy and i wasn't. then came biology, where i got to examine a fungus. Fan-fucking-tastic. Finally, geography, where i get to listen to the group of dumbass bimbo cheerleaders next to me talk aobut how ugly Jessica looked today or how hot Davis was last night or what a dick Alex is being. Now, in an hour, i get to go to water polo practice, which i wrote about in my previous post.
Shoot me now.
I promise i'm not always this bitchy. This computer is simply the only person that i can scream at right now. Please, for the love of God, something good happen.

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